Sunday, October 30, 2011


Having a baby makes updating a neglected blog all the more difficult. Jake is now 7 months old, on the verge of full on crawling (he scoots/army crawls like a champ tho!), he has two teeth and a smile that could melt glaciers. Pretty much the best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'm not apologizing for that at all. He's been sick the last week or so, threw up all over Nic and Kate's place (sooooo sorry for that guys), and got his dad and me sick (ugh). So this past week pretty much sucked.

Off to do the laundry the stupid city guys made me put off. They turned off our water (ON A SUNDAY) to work on broken pipes. Sorry but if they've put it off this long couldn't have waited until tomorrow? Just saying.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What a day!

Well we knew it was going to be bad. I just didn't realize it was going to lead to me being Mrs. Cranky-Pants this morning. The storm hit in the middle of the night and continued for at least three hours. How do I know you ask? Simple! Chico.

We let the dogs sleep in the house instead of out on the porch because it was supposed to be so cold. Our adorable border collie pup decided he didn't like the thunder and practically headbutted me every time it thundered if my hand wasn't where he could snuggle it. I slept off and on during the storm until he left me alone. Last time I looked at the clock it was 2AM.

Cue Cody's cell ringing The Ring of Doom (that's what I call it secretly in my head) 45 minutes later. He got to start his day REALLY early! Someone wrecked and he was off to help them out. As he was finishing up I started having Braxton Hicks Contraction (BHC), which SUCK by the way. Waved him off to help the unfortunate idiot who decided to drive in this weather. I walked around for a good 25-30 minutes because every time I laid down I had another BHC. Eventually I got to go back to sleep around 330-ish. The entire time I was dealing with them I kept thinking "Really? You want to do this now? I don't think so kid."

It seemed that as soon as I closed my eyes Cody called me to get me out of bed so I could make it into work (it was really 630 I was just flipping exhausted from the long night). So after grumpily getting ready I headed to work at a whopping 25-30mph until I hit the County line, then I cranked it to 40 because it wasn't as bad. I was probably going 55-60mph 6 miles outside of Menard because Menard didn't get hit with this storm hardly at all.

Day was pretty easy, I had already planned to be out today just in case the roads were impassable in the morning, so it was a "follow the subplans and take it easy" kind of day. Cody called right before lunch, and yes I answered the phone in front of my students. You can fire me if you want, he NEVER calls when I'm at work and it made me worry. So Cody tells me that it's getting WORSE in Concho, snowing and in some places there is 2 inches of ice on the road. He also tells me that at one point going to a wreck he was running lights and sirens but couldn't go faster than 20mph without turning sideways and the Game Warden who has 4 wheel drive couldn't go faster than 30mph. I took that as my cue to tell my principal "I'm going to head home since it's getting worse and it doesn't look like it'll be better tomorrow morning so I probably won't be here tomorrow either." They practically kicked my pregnant butt out the door (because of the weather, they're all very motherly to me when it comes to my being pregnant).

So I was home by 115, I left Menard at 1240. The drive usually only takes me 20 minutes. I had people FLYING passed me like there wasn't visible ice on the ground. Idiots.

Anyway just had to share, I'm off to be productive in my house.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's the final countdown

Oh yes, I've started a count down. We are 9 weeks away from the due date currently. That equals 63 days! Last time we went to the doctor my uterus measured 30cm which means the munchkin is right on track. We go again this Wednesday for another check up.

I've been retaining water in my ankles if I'm up on my feet too long so I do most of my teaching sitting down now. My wedding bands have been relegated to a necklace for fear of my fingers swelling too much and my not being able to get them off.

Cody is set to finish Jake's room this next weekend, over his four-day. Hopefully when I get back from NB we'll have a floor in there! Then we'll have a place to put Jake's stuff that's he's already received. Is it silly that I'm so excited about putting his room together?

Anyway, Cody's cousin and aunt threw a baby shower for me up in Coppell a few weeks ago. I haven't gotten pictures up on Flickr just yet but after I post this I'm going to take a few snap shots of the things we got and post them on Flickr. They're up! Then I'll go write thank you notes.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

4D sono's

Well Cody and I went to the Doctor's office on Monday and pretty much spent half the day there. We got to do our sonogram first thing (after I choked down the glucose solution it wasn't too bad I was just full from Breakfast and couldn't chug it like Cody suggested). The sonographer, Cher, did her fetal survey. She said everything looked good from the sonograms, I don't remember what she measured him at but his size was 27 wks 4 days, and I was at 27 wks 1 day. So he's measuring a LITTLE big but not as much as he was at the last sonogram. She also said he weighs 2 lbs 4 oz currently, and his heartbeat was around 134 or so. After the fetal survey we got to see his sweet little face on the 4D sonograms. To see some of the sonogram pictures head over to our Flickr Page, you have to be marked as a friend or family to see them.

After we did the sonogram, we had a few more minutes to wait until I could go get my blood drawn for the glucose test. Finally the timer went off and I wandered to the Lab, got jabbed and then wandered back over to Cody to wait for our visit with the Doc. That part of the visit was pretty uneventful. Cody and I asked some questions we had been wondering about, got some answers and went on our merry way. We also found out we have entered the stage of going every two weeks to the doctors office. I'm pretty sure I don't have any more sick days to take to go to the appointments. I'm not too terribly worried about it, the school has been very helpful during this entire deal.

Anyway next Appointment is January 19th, I'll update measurements and what not at that point.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well Cody made a comment a few months back that made me laugh, it was something along the lines of "I'm surprised you haven't started a blog about Lil'un yet." At the time of course we had no idea we were having a boy, nor did we know what we'd call the little tyke. Well thankfully that's been taken care of and we do have a name for him! Cody and I decided on Jacob Mathis to go with Cody's family tradition of having boys with JMA initials. We go on Monday for the 4D sonogram, glucose testing and regular check up. I'm sure that this one will take an eternity, just like the last time we had a sonogram, but Cody and I are very excited (words really don't express my excitement) to see his face so here's hoping the kiddo cooperates! If he does I'll post pictures on Flickr for family and friends to see. So if you don't have a Flickr account get one! This is my Flickr URL to friend me: I upload pictures to this all the time, and once Jake is here I'm sure there will be daily updates of photos.

As for the kiddo and me, we're doing fine. He's decided that my lower right rib is an AWESOME spot to plant his heel and stretch to try and find a little more room. That's just about the most uncomfortable thing I've ever experienced so far during this journey. He also likes to kick at anything that puts weight on "his territory" as I've decided to call it. Cody has received a few knocks to the ear region when he puts his head down there. Also he doesn't like when I'm in one place for very long so sitting or laying down for hours is out of the question, he'll let his displeasure be known by hooking his heel in my rib or kicking the snot out of my insides. I can tell that he's going to be quite a handful when he finally arrives but am TOTALLY looking forward to it. So basically he's behaving like a boy and I'm pretty sure he's going to be exactly like Cody...God help us, from the stories I've heard we're in for it.

Cody's been fine, working his tail off like normal during this time of the year. Hopefully after this weekend things will wind down for him. He's being hard a work trying to get Jake's bedroom finished but has been having a hard time finding TIME to get it done. He and a friend put down the laminate wood flooring in the living room a few months back and I'm very much looking forward to having it in the bedrooms. It is ten times easier to keep clean than a carpet!

As for me and work? It's been an entertaining year so far! Middle school is entirely different from 9th grade and teaching 3 grades at once is quite a challenge (add in a pregnancy and it's enough to drive a person insane!) but manageable. I'm very much looking forward to next semester, 7th and 8th grade are doing Mythology (Greek/Roman and Egyptian) the 4th six weeks and 6th grade is going over World War II. The students are very sweet and I enjoy teaching them, the people I work with are amazing and I really enjoy it in Menard over working in Angelo.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Update for Anon

Well since I had an anonymous complainer I'll update.

Life has been hectic. I survived my first year of teaching...barely. I don't know if I'll ever want to teach 9th grade again after that year. I don't think they would have been as bad if there had been some semblance of discipline at that school.

No matter, I've moved to greener pastures! I'll be teaching in a new school district closer to home next year and I'm really looking forward to it! I'll be teaching grades 6-8 English. I AM the English department :-). I was also told I would be the coach of the ELA UIL which is exciting, I've never done UIL before so this will be an experience.

Cody it doing fine, he's in a new Sergeant area now so things are a lot smoother. He is now the only Troop in our county because his partner promoted and is no longer on the road. He seems to get into more trouble without his partner.

We've been gardening up a storm, and since Mom found a cord that matches my camera I'll update my Flickr account with some photos! Last year Cody and I tried gardening from pots. That didn't work out well for us. This year Cody tilled up a large portion of our backyard for me and I came home with tons of plants. We have Canteloupe, Watermelon, Cucumber, Tomato, Bell Pepper, Jalepeno, Onion and Strawberries growing in our garden! It looks like a complete jungle right now with all the plants growing together. Next year I think fewer vine plants will be in order.

The dogs are swamped with fleas this year, I don't think Bandit has stopped itching even though we've given him two baths in a week. Chico isn't much better, the only plus he has is that he can actually reach his itches where poor Bandit and his stubby legs cannot. Cody is taking Chico to the vet tomorrow so he's going to pick up some meds the vet recommended.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry (belated) Christmas!

Well Cody and I had our first Mr. & Mrs. Christmas, it was great. While we didn't spend it with our families (his job kept us home) we spent it together and we both enjoyed it. We spent Christmas Eve and Day with his partner John and his family. They were nice enough to invite us over so we didn't spend the day totally alone. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that Santa brought you what you asked for. :-)

Much Love,
Cody and Beth